Gifts That Make an Impact After Your Lifetime
Learn how your legacy gifts can make a difference in the lives of orphans.
Wills and Bequests
Provide now for a future gift to Heart for Orphans by including a provision in your will or other estate plans.
How does a bequest work?
A bequest costs nothing now, yet gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have provided for a charity's future.
You retain control and use of your assets during your lifetime.
You may modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
Gifts from your estate may be exempt from federal estate taxes.
How do you give through your will or other estate plans?
Step 1. Include Heart for Orphans in Will/Bequest or Trust
Step 2. Gift paid to Heart for Orphans (with execution of will)
Retirement Plans
Most people do not use all of their retirement assets during their lifetime, and those unused assets can be used to make a gift to Heart for Orphans.
A retirement plan can be a tax-efficient and simple way to include Heart for Orphans in your estate plan. Because charities do not pay income taxes on the donations they receive, distributions to charities will avoid being taxed as income.
How do you give through a retirement plan?
Step 1. Ask your plan administrator to provide you with the appropriate forms.
Step 2. Name Heart for Orphans as a beneficiary on your plan's beneficiary designation form.
Life Insurance
If you have a life insurance policy you no longer need because of a change in your life circumstances, you can give a paid-up policy to Heart for Orphans, or even a policy on which you are still paying premiums.
How do you give through your life insurance?
Option 1: You can irrevocably designate Heart for Orphans as the owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy. By doing so, you may be entitled to a generous charitable income tax deduction. Ask your plan administrator to provide you with the appropriate forms.
Option 2: You can name Heart for Orphans as irrevocable beneficiary, but retain ownership of the policy itself. Call or write to your insurance company to request a form to make this change of beneficiary.
Mutual Funds
If you have a mutual fund and are looking to donate the proceeds to Heart for Orphans, you may qualify to receive a charitable deduction. Please consult with a professional advisor to confirm.
How do you give through a mutual fund:
Option 1: Name Heart for Orphans as the "payable on death" beneficiary of a mutual fund.
Option 2: Close your mutual fund account, and donate the funds to Heart for Orphans.
Bank Accounts
Bank accounts are common investment tools that can help the life changing mission of Heart for Orphans.
How do you give through your bank account?
Option 1: Name Heart for Orphans as the "payable on death" beneficiary of a bank account.
Option 2: Close your bank account, and donate the funds to Heart for Orphans.